Risk Management Software for Governance, risk management and compliance is quick and easy to configure
Our Risk Management Software allows easy creation of web and mobile-based forms without the need for coding skills, reducing dependence on IT specialists.

Our Risk Management Software provides a platform for governance, risk management and compliance which takes your complex human resource, compliance and risk problems and solves them by devolving these tasks directly to your employees via mobile and web applications.
Declaring gifts and hospitality
Our Risk Management Software and risk management solution for governance, risk management and compliance platform allows declaring gifts and hospitality in the work place is becoming more common. In the context of the Bribery Act, it is possible that the giving and receiving of gifts and hospitality may put employees into situations which might fall within the terms of the Act, and therefore lay them open to accusations of bribery.
Declaring media contacts
Within curtain circumstances having media contacts can be good for business, but other times it can seriously damage your business. It is import you understand who in your business has access to the media either as friends or passed acquaintances. Off the record comments to the media may impact your ability to give official statements. This is where the Risk Management Software and Solution comes in.
Declarations can be recorded using our mobile app, web app or via our hotline.
Our Risk Management Software and Case information is held on a centralised private cloud so that all relevant correspondence, emails, case notes, assessments and contacts can be linked to a case.

Quick and easy to configure
The Risk Management Software is quick and easy creation of web and mobile-based forms without the need for coding skills, reducing dependence on IT specialists