Our latest update provides you with a new innovative way for your customers to select an address utilising the platform.
The postcode picker simply allows you to enter a postcode and then select the actual address from the dropdown list provided.
The address data information is generated from the PAF, LLPG and Map History database therefore accuracy is assured.

Once the end user has selected a location via the picker, using portal you can then see the 360-degree view of all previous reports, issues, people, and assets submitted against that location.
How does Postcode Picker work?
Example: Michael, a local citizen wants to book a bulky uplift of furniture from his home address. By simply navigating his way through the Bulky Uplift report form he will reach the location details page.
Once there by entering his postcode utilising the new functionality Michael is able to verify his exact postcode and where the uplift should be collected from. Equally, if Michael contacted the council via telephone an agent could complete the same process on Michael’s behalf.