Do you supply ready-made or template forms?
An important consideration for the organisation is to have eforms that capture all information and be user-friendly so as to get maximum response. But, not everyone would like their administration department to create forms again and again.
Going a step ahead, our platform has the Forms store loaded with thousands of ready-to-use template eforms. The flexible and dynamic eforms can be modified and put into use without any burden on the admin to design it from the scratch.
Our advanced eForms module also allows creating user-defined fields easily. There is no limit in the creation of no of fields but we would recommend grouping them within different regions/pages as it will make data entry easier for the end user.

Also, the admin users can design their own forms and store it as a template, duplicate it to reuse it for any other purpose. Forms Store is a central repository having rich eforms to capture details in a standard format quickly.
Even the email centre has readymade templates that can be used to send replies to the incoming emails; saving time and efforts to respond each email separately.

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